
Civilian Defender Program


Our Civilian Defender program includes all of our self-defense and home-defense classes. When you take these classes, you’ll learn how to defend your friends and family in a responsible and safe way.

This program includes inclusive conceal carry, rifle training, and shotgun training.

We’re hoping to expand to simulated scenarios and hand to hand defense soon.

How to load shotgun.jpg

Take the first step towards defending your loved ones.

Emergency First-Aid


This program covers foundational medical knowledge. In an emergency, you can make a difference by knowing first-aid or CPR.

We truly believe that these classes are an essential skill every member of our community should know. We provide these classes at just the cost of instructor and classroom rental.

This program includes Red Cross first-aid/CPR/AED and severe bleeding first-aid.

One class can allow you to make all the difference in a medical emergency.

Earthskills Program


This program are for those brave at heart and want to commune with nature. Here you’ll learn land navigation, wilderness-survival skills, water-rescue, and more. If you’ve ever just wanted to get away from society or just want to be more comfortable off the beaten path, this program is for you.

This program includes navigation, fire-making basics, and improvised shelters.

We hope to expand our Earthskills offering soon.

Go forth confidently into the wilderness with our training.

Community Crisis Management


This is our catch-all program for classes that helps you become a better neighbor. You’ll learn how to do suicide intervention, tow a car with ropes, or set-up an emergency crisis kitchen. By taking these classes, you’ll be able to help out your neighbors in a crisis.

This program includes suicide intervention and vehicle recovery.

Be there for your neighbors.

Private Lessons


One on one training

The best way to get good at a skill is to never develop bad habits.

You will be able to soar ahead of your peers with our private training lessons. Whether in firearms, medical training, or outdoor survival, you will hone your skills with the help of our instructors.

Fill out our private lesson form for more information:
Private Lesson Form